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Step-by-step guide for FusiformCAST iPad app

How to add media to a patient and place an order

Levi Garcia avatar
Written by Levi Garcia
Updated over 3 years ago

Our FusiformCAST is an iOS-only app that enables users to take scans and submit orders. The app is compatible with any iPad and is an extension of our existing Fusiform platform which includes our Web Portal (

Navigating the app

Our FusiformCAST app is organized into five different tabs: Dashboard, Patients, Orders, Pending Uploads, and Settings. Each tab can be sorted and includes a search bar so users can quickly find and select the content that they’re looking for.

  • The Dashboard tab displays "Your Patients" and any "Not Submitted" Orders on the iPad that still need to be sent or re-sent to your vendor. The dashboard page will also alert you if you have any rejected orders that need to be reviewed.

  • The Patients tab displays a list of all patients sorted by last name. You can also flag patients to make them easier to find on the table as well as search for a patient. Selecting a patient will open the Patient Overview page which provides users the ability to view/edit patient information and add scans/images to the patient.

  • The Orders tab displays a list of all orders sorted by created date. Orders can be filtered by status as well as searched for. Selecting an order will open the Order Overview page which enables the user to fill out the order form and send the order to a vendor.

  • The Pending Uploads tab displays a list of any unsynced media or orders that have been added while offline. Selecting the "Sync" button on this tab while online enables the user to keep any data added offline up-to-date.

  • The Settings tab enables the user to view their account settings, view their clinic users, and update any preferences.

If you have any questions about the app, select the "Help" button at the bottom left of the FusiformCAST app for help with getting started with the app, if you're having trouble scanning, or if you have any questions about your order.

Taking a Scan and Creating an Order

Users can create an order by selecting the blue "+" button at the bottom-right of their screen from any tab on the CAST app and any Patient Overview page.

  1. Select the blue "+" button at the bottom-right of your iPad on the dashboard page or any tab. Selecting this button will enable you to "Add an Image", "Add a Patient", "Add an Order", or "Add a Scan". In this example, we will add a scan first before creating an order. If you just want to create an order, proceed to step #8.

  2. Select the "Add Scan" button. Make sure the scanner is charged and connected to the iPad before continuing.

  3. Fill out the Patient Details if you want to add your scan to a new patient. Note: The minimum required Patient Info is FN, LN, and Birthdate, however, by filling out more Patient Info, the data will be stored to auto-fill future Order Forms.

    1. If you want to add a scan to an existing patient, select the "Existing Patient" option on the toggle. This will enable you to search for and select an existing patient to add the scan to.

  4. Once your patient is added or selected, select the "Take Scan" button. Note: The "Take Scan" option will be disabled until all patient selection requirements are met.

  5. Begin Scanning. Use the 'Show Advanced' sliders to position the depth of field of the scanner, and then begin moving slowly around the subject. When you have sufficient coverage from the scan, click the 'Stop', 'Box' icon.

  6. Preview the scan and either Discard to Rescan, or click Save.

  7. After scanning, the user will be taken to the Patient Overview page with the new scan appearing in the "Attached Media" tab on the right panel of the page.

  8. Select the blue "+" button at the bottom-right of the app again. This will enable you to either add additional media such as images or more scans to the patient or you can add an order.

  9. Select the "Add Order" option.

  10. Select the Product Offering based on Vendor for the order that you are creating.

  11. Once you've selected a Product, select the "Add Order" option to take you to the Order Overview page. The Order Overview page will display the 'Device', the 'Vendor', and the 'Patient' info. Note: The "Add Order" option will be disabled until a product offering is selected.

  12. Select the "Open Form" button and fill out the form in full.

    1. While filling out the form, you will probably be prompted to "Attach" a Scan from the Patient. This will allow you to access all historical Scans/Media from the Patient Profile. You can also "Add" new scans or images to the order in the form as well by selecting the "Add" button.

  13. Select the "Send to Vendor" button once the form is filled out to submit the form. Once the order has been submitted, you should be brought back to the Order Overview page where you will now see your attached Scans and the Order will have a status of "Pending".

  14. Once the vendor has approved of the order, the status of the order will change to "Approved". You can monitor the status of your order on the Orders tab on the FusiformCAST app.

Orders can be created initially before taking a scan as well if that is easier for your workflow. Selecting the blue "+" button will enable you to add content on any page you're on in the FusiformCAST app, the steps above only describe one way to take a scan and create an order.

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