Fusiform scans are captured as .OBJs. However they can be downloaded from the App as .stls or. objs.
If you want to email a Fusiform Scan File or upload it into another system, follow the below procedures.
You have two options:
Option 1: You can access Fusiform from a web browser, download the file as either a .stl or .obj, and then upload it into your other system
Option 2: You can use the IPad App to email/Airdrop the .obj scan file to another computer, where you can then upload it into your other system
Option 1: Fusiform Web
Navigate to clinic.fusiform.co and log in with your email and password.
Click into a Patient to take you to the Patient Profile.
3. In the bottom right of the screen, see all Patient Media. Click on the scan to take you to the Scan Previewer.
4) From the Scan Previewer, you can click "Convert + Download Media" to download the file to your downloads folder.
5) In the "Convert+Download Media" pop-up, you can specify which file type you wish to download (.stl or .obj)
Option 2: Fusiform CAST IPad App
From the IPad, you can click into a Patient and view their scans on the right side Media Table. You can then click on one of those scans to be brought to the Scan Previewer.
Per the below, within the Scan Previewer, you can click the "vertical arrow icon" in the top right to share the scan
You can share the scan file via email, text, or Airdrop. Any one of these can be used to get the file to another device/computer for use.